Sunday, May 31, 2009

its my 100th post!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009
woot. let's celebrate. lol.

i'm back talking about the same ol' stuff i normally talk about. movies. what else? i recently told my mom that i have this crazy dream to go to film school. she told me i should just do it. that's pretty cool. i don't think i could keep going to school though. just putting more money in and not having a job. its sort of a strange dream to admit to, too. i mean, yeah, i think it would be really, really, really cool to work a behind the scenes job in the film industry. i was looking on a number of studio sights the other day to see what kind of job openings they have. i mean, technically, i could go into the HR dept just like i was planning to for the publishing industry. anywho, its just been a thought. sort of sitting there in the back of my mind.

so back to movies. Sam 2 and i saw Star Trek today. i think it was pretty darn good. for not knowing a single thing about the whole phenomenon, the movie was easy to understand and fun to watch. lots of action. poor Kirk gets beat up a whole lot. and i guess from the advertisements, i always assumed that Kirk and...ugh, forgive me, i don't know how to spell her name, but Uhura (maybe?) got together. but that's totally not the case. and i liked Kirk a lot. Chris Pine, who plays him, did a very good job i think. like, i said, i don't have anything to compare it to, but i suppose it'd be a hard thing to put a new twist on Captain Kirk.

one of the previews was Transformers 2. the mission now is the see if its playing at an imax theatre anywhere near here, because i think that'd be pretty darn awesome, and so did Sam.

mk. i'm gonna go. random internet surfing to be done before bed, and then i wake up tomorrow and move into my apartment. yipee!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

oh my.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
um...yeah. this guy is crazy. and its almost funny.

for a good news story go here.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

proof of someone paying 20,000 euro for a kiss from rob pattinson

Saturday, May 23, 2009
HAHAHAHA. i saw this news article and then saw the corresponding video. a couple of parents bought a kiss on the cheek from rob pattinson for their daughters. the money goes to benefits an aids charity. he's so embarrassed in the video, it makes me laugh.

Friday, May 22, 2009

i have never wished that i paid attention to american idol. until now.

Friday, May 22, 2009
please don't let anyone post a comment on this about me being lame. haha.

so Sam 2 and i were hanging out in "our basement" aka Barb and Tom's basement where we live at the moment, flipping channels on the tv a couple nights ago. or was it last night? i have no idea. either way, i happened to pass by the American Idol finale, which is always a big deal because they have a million guest stars and its sort of fun. and lo and behold, i meet Kris Allen (the guy below here).

immediately Sam and i both say some version of "he's cute." and continue to watch. and hey...he can sing. although i suppose its sort of a given seeing as its 1 of the top two on the finale. and i have to say...i've now got a bit of a crush on him. after seeing him win the whole show, i had to dig up a little bit of research. hes 23 and married. plays guitar and piano. seems to be pretty humble and surprised by winning. so basically he's awesome.

overall, it seems like adam lambert (idol finalist who came in 2nd) is a better singer. i feel like i heard he was vocally trained before coming on the show. plus, with the little i've seen of him, he can really belt it. but i guess i'm with the rest of America in saying that there's just something so appealing about Kris. i looked up a couple of his other performances to see what he likes to play and came across an awesome rendition of Kayne's West's "Heartless." you can go here to actually see the performance. or just search on youtube and you'll find just the song.

mk. that's all i got. long weekend ahead...and i'll try to be quilting most of it. my quilt is all together, minus the border...but i'm going to start on one i'm making someone else. woot.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

making progress

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
woot. i'm almost done. here's all the blocks in the order they are going to put together. at this point all the rows are sewn together (the five across), and now i just have to put all those rows together.

Monday, May 18, 2009

whoops...there's more

Monday, May 18, 2009
forgot i wanted to add this...

i joined Twitter. granted, i'm not actually twittering. i mean...who would really want to follow my every move? anyway, i joined it just to see what its about. who's on. etc. and Rainn Wilson has one. it cracks me up. his profile says among other things...that he's co-created of Soul Pancake (get to that in a second) and his son, Walter. i don't know why, but i think that statement is hilarious.

anyway, Soul Pancake. i didn't know what this was. turns out, its like a blog. well...a website that's dedicated to the discussion of spirituality, creativity, and philosophy. there are questions posted all the time about different topics that may be really important to one person and not another. its like a big forum about thought-provoking ideas. i think its really interested that Rainn co-created the site too. and cool. check it out if you feel like it.

how come tv shows can't stay realistic?

this is a good question. one that i talked over with Sam 1 on saturday. i mean...obviously this depends on the show. but really...its been starting to bug me. i began to rewatch Alias a few weeks ago and unfortunately, my eagerness to watch the show has soured because of its inability - in my eyes - to stay real.

the first two season were great. the relationships were real. i believed everything that happened. even the third season seemed somewhat plausible. i mean, i realize, we're looking at the inside workings of the CIA and secret agents, so obviously whatever happens is pretty out there, but at some point the action started to feel a bit forced. in the fourth season, which i'm on now, all the main characters from the previous season somehow all manage to secure spots on a black ops division of the CIA. i highly doubt this would happen. and, as i semi-ranted to Sam 2 today, Michael Vaughn is no where near qualified for this job. Vaughn's character started out as Syndey's "handler" at the CIA in seasons 1 and 2. he was a bit dopy, a huge romantic, quiet a softie. it was cute. he's cute. it all worked. he sat a desk. he told Sydney what to do in mission to get the CIA the right stuff and give the wrong stuff to her other agency. he didn't go out in the field, but he knew how to use a gun, and he could kick someone's ass if he wanted to. but now...he's black ops. he's taking down guys that are 300 pounds and 7 feet tall. he has this hard edge to him. its too much for me. idk. it just doesn't seem right.

yeah...i'm analyzing this tv show on my blog. haha. god. i can't help it...i've watched almost 100 episodes of it in the last month.

but in the same respects, lots of tv shows go this way i think. its like, once you've run out of all the relationship options, once you given in to all the possible "real" life situations that could happen, the producers and writers branch out in the crazy territory. stalker on One Tree Hill anyone? Izzie's insane ghost sex? i mean...come on people. we can only take it for so long. it drives me nuts when shows that were grounded in real issues jump to something crazy. that's why i stopped watching One Tree Hill. once the show's tone is defined, i think its pretty ridiculous to go against it. i mean, if you're a show like Supernatural, you're not going to be completely realistic, and we know that. Gossip Girl is set in a hightened reality. House is put in a place where strange cases are the norm, so we can understand when something out of this world happens.

i commend The Office for their ability to stay real. i mean, they have kooky characters that set up hilarious situations, but none of it ever seems too far fetched. i watched an interview with some of the writers one time, and they said that every time they are pitching and idea, the big test is...does it feel real? could this really happen? and if the answer is no...they don't do it. i think that's pretty smart.

okay, enough tv ranting. i'm gonna try to get to bed early. or something. lol. maybe i'll make another block. i've only got 5 left and then i can start putting the whole thing together!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

no have the right site

Saturday, May 16, 2009
for those of you who are actually looking at the website of this blog ( you'll notice it looks a bit different. it looks orange. and black. and white. and an eyeball in the upper left corner. yeah...its still me. just a different look. i think i like this template, but i'm sort of not sure. its possible things will change in a couple of days. i can't say for sure. anyway, i'm working on a getting a post up, but i'm too tired now. its 12:30 am and it took me at least a half an hour to pick a new template. goodnight.

Monday, May 11, 2009

thought this was funny enough to share

Monday, May 11, 2009
i checked my school email account today and had an email from this guy named Jon H*** (i feel i should respect his privacy) with the subject line as "Last Friday." of course...i assumed it was some ridiculous junk mail, but my browser makes me preview it before deleting it, so i got a peek at the message and here's what it said:

"I apologize in advance to those of you whom this letter was not intended for. Last Friday night I meet someone very cute out at the bars named Hailey (or one of it's variant spellings), and I've been kicking myself for not exchanging numbers with her. Considering the small number of girls who go by that name under the WSU student directory, I felt that sending my number to all of you wasn't too absurd. I was wearing pin striped dress pants with a blue button up shirt, and I have brown hair. If you remember me and would ever like to go out for food or meet up at the bars again, you should give me a call.

Jon H***
(507) ***-****"

its sort of one of those things that i think...whoa desperate. then i think, its a little sweet of jon. then i laugh at him. i can't make up my mind. and was not me he was looking for. i was in the comfort of barb and tom's house on friday night listening to them and multiple friends play bridge from my couch in the basement. anywho...i looked him up on facebook and his picture is not very helpful. he's submerged underwater holding his breath. lol. you know...i hope he finds his hailey. or hayley. or haley. ha.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

new quote

Sunday, May 10, 2009
i tried to put a new quote in the header of this blog. it was too long, so i chopped it up and only used the first sentence. but i wanted to share the whole thing with you guys because i think its really inspiring...

"Find your purpose and fling your life out to it. Find a way or make one. Try with all your might. Self made or never made."
-Orison Swett Marden

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

i love my job.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
it's the best. lol.

that sounds cheesy. but i do love it. i've even missed it. i've missed working. how crazy is that? its not really about the money - although money's good - its more about the atmosphere i'm working in. the people i work with. its kind of hard to describe. at the bank i'm sure we'd refer to this as the "Merchants culture." haha.

i think possibly my favorite part is that i'm treated as an equal. i'm on the same footing as everyone else, even though i'm in college. people value my opinions. people ask me questions. people want to know about me. they want to know what i think. and that's really cool. its really gratifying. and its still sort of shocking to me. and its sort of shocking that i know enough to give educated advise or opinions on things at work too. i've learned so much. anyway, i just hope that when i go off into the big bad real work of work that i find just as good of a job. that's what i'm really nervous about. my mom and i were talking about this, and she said that at least i'll know what i'm looking for when i get out there. at least i'll be able to ask the right questions. and i can pick and choose where i want to work. find where i'll fit. and i agree with that.

...but can i really afford to be picky? with the economy the way it is. i suppose i could just wait it out. i mean i don't really want to be stuck in a job i don't like. or a company i don't like working for. i guess i've just been thinking about this stuff lately because i only have one year left. in a way, finding the right job seems to me like almost trying to find the right boyfriend. i have all these things i bring to the "relationship" and so does the company. and we have to fit together. we have to like each other. we have to make sense as a team. and i would want a company to respect, value, and trust me. just like i would a guy.

i feel the analogy has gone a little too far. lol. but you get the point. and i think i've just talked myself into being selective about a job. go blogging for that. its good for getting the thoughts out. getting them to make sense.

i'm in the midst of watching a season 2 episode of Alias. i remember that i watched it with my parents for a while when it first came out...then i stopped for some reason. can't remember why. but its so good. so so good. and now i'm rewatching it. because i think i only saw the first half of the first season.

and i saw 17 Again last night. which is that movie with Matthew Perry turning into his 17 year old self aka Zac Efron. i was telling Sammi that i find that transformation a little hard to believe. but hey...i guess you never know. we'll just have to see what Zac Efron looks like is 25 years. anywho, i loved the movie. yes, i know, you can think i'm lame for that. but it was really funny. and cute. and believe it or not, Zac Efron brought some acting chops to the table. i mean, he was crying on screen. like some real, raw emotion crying. and he was so funny. there were some great moments between him and his kids and wife - i know, strange because he's 17 - but still. i was impressed. and hey, he's not bad to look at for 2 hours.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Movie Review: Henry Poole Is Here....or not

Friday, May 1, 2009
i think a better suited title would be...Henry Poole is Gone. Henry Poole Should Not Be Here. Henry Poole is Full of Angst. or something like that. so here's the scoop. i was going to go to a movie today with my the showtimes screwed up and we ended up not being able to go. instead, we hopped on over to redbox to grab a movie, and on my tip, decided to get Henry Poole is Here. i had seen the trailer a while ago and then put it on my Netflix i figured it'd be good. it was under the comedy section, so thumbs up right?

no. thumbs down. haha. it was the first time i haven't liked a movie in a long time. normally i enjoy the movie, no matter what it is. seriously. and this was a dud. i mean, it was exactly horrible. but as my mom put it..."that was the strangest thing i've seen since Vanilla Sky." and we all know Vanilla Sky was weird. really weird.

so back to the movie i just watched. stars Luke Wilson. its not really a comedy. i mean...there's funny stuff, but mostly its dramatic and depressing. and i don't think he pulls it off. there's a lot of close up shots of him pining and crying and looking pensive with really thoughtful background music. there was at least 5 entire songs in the movie. that's a lot of songs to play in their entirety. and the concept is this...Henry Poole (Wilson) decides to change his life at his doctor tells him that he is going to die really soon. he moves to a new house surrounded by friendly neighbors. one of which finds the image of Jesus on Henry's outside wall. and then people come to stare at it. they think miracles happen because of it. and Henry is just upset and angsty about the whole thing because he is dying.

its a downer. i told my mom a number of times i think Ryan Gosling would have been much more suited for the part. he could pull off that brooding, wounded stuff in a way that wouldn't make me think its over the top. and no...its not just because he's hotter.

anyway, just thought i'd warn you before you happened to accidentally rent it. hopefully i'll have better luck tomorrow. my mom and i are going to see Sunshine Cleaning with my bff Amy Adams.