Wednesday, December 31, 2008

i have an address in italy

Wednesday, December 31, 2008
went on facebook tonight and had two new friend requests. and i didn't know them. clever deduction helped me figure out that they are my new roommates. 2 of the 3. so now for your viewing pleasure here is a street view of my apartment complex abroad (and i don't trust my google maps skills 100% because the address is in a foreign country and different format, but i hope i'm fairly close.)

so i'm a 20 minute walk from school and 5 minutes from food and shopping. plus three bedrooms. i'm really hoping i get my own. haha. i doubt it will work out, but that would be great. and we have our own washer. which i will gladly trade for not having a dishwasher. although it would be nice to have a showerhead...but i guess Europeans aren't into that. all in all, i'm pretty satisfied. here's where i'm located in the city:

i don't have any new year's resolutions

i think i made some resolutions last year. but i can't remember what they were. get a boyfriend? lol. who knows...

i don't really think making resolutions works. only examining your life once a year seems a bit lazy to me i guess. making goals for yourself would be something i'd like to do all the time. not just on december 31st. self-examination seems to be pretty important to growing and becoming the person you want to be - at least in my opinion - so why would want to do it only one day a year? i think i keep repeating myself.

i leave in 16 days. i'm getting really excited. the only thing i'm nervous about at this point is money. will i have enough? and what is enough any way? i've saved up some, i have some left over from loans. i'm just going to have to be careful. cautious. my goal at this point is to only spend money on necessary items until i leave (gas for the car, and maybe a meal or too).

speaking of money...i did spend some while in kato. i got some from my parents and then decided to purchase a global gps system. well...when i say global that's not true. its really of europe and america. but i'm excited. on amazon it was 100 bucks less than best buy. and i think it'll be a good thing to have. obviously i'll have no idea where i'm going when i'm traveling in foreign countries.

and somehow during that paragraph my mind wandered to the word "pickpocket." lol. i'm gonna need some seriously tight security when i have that gadget on me.

...'til next time. happy new year.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

i leave three weeks from today. exactly.

Thursday, December 25, 2008
exactly from today.

the panic is starting to creep in. its tapping me on the shoulder and then turning the other way. its just the beginning. lol.

this whole holiday season ended up being about traveling. i understand that it is a big deal for my family. i know it is. but talking about it, and watching them get worried about it, does not help me. in conversation, i try to stay calm...but sometimes end up feeling or getting defensive. things i want to say, but never do:

"yes, i am actually going to go over to a foreign country and pick up a local guy so that he can hick it back to america with me."

"of course, i'm actually planning on doing all of my cross-country travel alone."

"oh really? i had no idea that pickpocketing was such a big deal. please enlighten me."

yeah. i don't know if i could squeeze anymore sarcasm in there. i know everyone is nervous for me. but them being nervous makes me start doubting the situation. which is not where i want to me. i know i'm going to be fine. i believe that i will not contract any life-threatening aliments while over there. lol. i'm grumpy. i think i just feel like everyones on my back. and i want it to stop.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

no internet...what?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

the wynns had no phone/tv/internet for the past couple of days. its weird. i've been wondering how i ever got through life without a constant connection from my computer to wireless or a telephone jack. to pass the time, i've been working on my quilt. i'm super excited. the picture of the purple blocks are the ones that i've done so far. it actually just the same block, in alternating colors. there are three blocks in the pattern, you just rotate them different degrees to get the full quilt. i took that picture yesterday, so i've actually made three more blocks since then. the same pattern, and same colors. the back will end up being a sort of celery green color. i'm going to try and get the blocks all done before i leave for italy...which is offically in less than a month now. whoa.

the picture below is what is will hopefully look like when i'm done : )

Thursday, December 11, 2008

i'm going to stop using captilization

Thursday, December 11, 2008
i think it looks cooler. i know it will bug english majors. but at this point...that's okay. capitalizing online is getting to be a hassle.

i made a new playlist in iTunes called "the best of switchfoot." and i totally forgot about this song, until it played tonight. i tried to find one without an actual video or lyrics going through it, so you can just listen. i love it.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I Want This Shirt

Saturday, December 6, 2008

it makes me laugh. well...most Threadless shirt do. its called "Musical Chairs." haha.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Wednesday, December 3, 2008
we just watched this in my advertising class. i said "whoa" outloud after it. haha. i know...its a campaign run by dove, but still, obviously this kind of stuff happens. crazy.