Sunday, September 13, 2009

the new wave of beatle-mania

Sunday, September 13, 2009
the rockband is out. beatles edition. which i think is very cool. i have only played rockband a couple of times, and its fun, but i'm excited about them having the beatles on it because its going to introduce another generation to the band. and its going to reignite everyone else's love for them too.

i would like to say that i'm a beatles fan. i don't know very much about them. i haven't heard all of their songs. i know more of their older stuff than the songs from the 60's. but with all the ads out about them, i'm feeling pulled in. like i want to know more. its strange how advertising like that can affect you. i want to listen to the songs i've never heard. i want to watch videos of them. i want to know their story. so i'm sure i'll take some time over the next few months to dive in. figure it out. watch. listen. read. for now...i'll just leave you with my favorite beatles song. which i love for its use of strings.

(unfortunately i don't understand how to get just songs up we are stuck with this video of rotating pictures...)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

things that are rolling around in my head

Saturday, September 5, 2009
1. have you ever noticed how after being friends with someone for a while you start to talk like them?

it has taken me almost three years to start talking like barb. which makes me laugh. and its not like you mimic every part of their speech. just certain phrases. for instance, i have picked up the word "chat." barb says "chat" all the time. and now i've taken it up too. but at this point, its only invaded my work speech. i say it when i'm talking on the phone to someone. or in person. i really think its interesting to think about the way we all talk though. how generational it is. for instance barb is only person i know who says "the whole shoot and match." which i like. i think that's a fun phrase. and when i try say how i like something i say its awesome, or cool, or sweet...which when talking to someone a decade or more older than me, always sounds so lame.

2. i'm feeling the pressure about boys

i'm in one of those odd moods. the mood that sort of has its own whisper in the back of my head that says "why don't you have a boyfriend? why can't you find anyone you like? why are you so picky? what is taking so long?" etc. it blows. i want it to go away. in all complete honesty, 99.9% of the time i don't care that i don't have a guy. i really and truly don't. but sometimes it grates on me. i want to have someone who wants to hang out with me when i other people don't. i want someone to think i'm pretty. and worth it. i don't know. i think this is a stemming from a comment that a friend of mine made recently. we had discussed how things are going here (as in Winona) and after asking me 1. if i had a boyfriend (no) and 2. if i liked any guys here (another now). he said to me, "Well, geez you had better get yourself out there."

this is implying that its all my fault that i don't have a boyfriend. and yes, some days i will take the blame for that situation. but part of me likes to believe in fate. in things happening when they are meant to. in God having a hand in this situation for me. and yes, maybe i should just show up, introduce myself, put in some effort. but i don't know. i see both sides. and i can't pick one right now. ugh.

3. i'm ready to graduate

this is the main thought right now. i feel like everything i'm doing is taking me a step closer to being done with college and i can't wait. real world, i am ready for you to bring it on. and i know, that's sort of a huge thing to say. but mentally, i am ready to get on with it. i think italy helped me that. yay.

random end note: on the right hand top of my page you'll see a place to put in your email address. if you want to, you can subscribe to my blog that way. so i don't have to manage it, like i did before. you can just sign up...and it'll go right to your own email inbox. pretty slick, huh?

alright, maybe a movie before i turn in.