Monday, October 27, 2008

Down to the Wire

Monday, October 27, 2008
i watched a couple political speeches this weekend. one was Sarah Palin and the other Obama. all i really learned was, that when its this close to the election, the details of the campaign aren't really that important. the things they are going to do...don't really make it into the speeches. it was all about what the opponent said. what they opponent did. what was wrong. what they were going to do to fix it. and then joe the plumber. on and on.

i guess i really feel like the election is a dividing kind of thing. i mean, i think its great we have the freedom to choose our leader. but at the same time, it kind of freaks me out as to how much politics can run a person's life. i've been wondering, if the side you (speaking metaphorically about anyone)doesn't win, we will all be able to get over and get behind the next president? will that even be possible? i feel like there are so many people taking such huge stands, and so what happens if we can't get it together? as novemember 4th gets closer...i've been wondering about that.

on a totally separate topic: i want Snow Patrol's new cd. i bet its awesome. also, i was checking out Switchfoot's website today and found an entry by their media guy (the person who takes pictures of them and who makes the podcasts) about their tour and specifically about their show in MN. he posted a few pictures, so i thought i'd share them. i just think its cool...i was there. haha. okay, actually i can't upload them here. but here's the link.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Thursday, October 23, 2008
i was reminded of this video when Switchfoot put part of the cover in one of their songs at their concert. its funny. enjoy...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Group Work is My New Hobby

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
let me just say first...i love the library computers. they have huge screens. i can see my whole Word document. and even two pages at a time...without squinting. its pretty awesome. for real.

so basically i have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. at least it feels like it. and we're halfway through the semester ladies and gentleman. ugh. my shoulder is starting to cramp up. i have been sitting at this computer for two hours. holy crap.

right now the name of the game is group. group work to be exact. and it blows. i have this huge project going on in my tech writing class - i.e. the class i cannot, ever screw up in again - and then i have this project going on in my advertising class. and its with this girl i really can't stand. she thinks she is right all the time. we're working on our draft for tomorrow (well...its not really a draft, because its due. and final.) but she's going on about comma placement...and i'm thinking "are you the English major here? are not. so shut it. up. now. damn you." haha. no, really. i'm serious. she finally left. i mean this whole thing has to go her way. and i opened up a Word doc and started putting it together and its like "are you going to remember do this? are you going to add in that?" hey, lady, i can read. i'm not stupid. let me finish. at least she is gone.

also i have another fiction story due next week. ah!! i just started tonight and i'm kind freaked. i'm writing in 3rd person about a younger guy (31), Charlie, whose wife leaves him with their two year old. i'm not sure exactly what the conflict will be. i'm guessing something along the lines of: "oh my god. i have a baby now. and i'm 31. what do i do?" but i am not male, and do not have a we'll see how that goes.

last thing, before i jet off to study with some people for my theater test tomorrow. i agreed to help with hair and makeup for the play "5 Women Wearing the Same Dress". and although i know i will be kicking myself the whole week i'm doing it - see me working, doing homework, and going to 2-3 hour rehersals and then shows every night - i'm excited. i feel involved. go me. right arm is about to fall off. good night, and good luck.

Monday, October 6, 2008

This Makes Me Smile...

Monday, October 6, 2008

and i'm bored in class. so yay for The Office, i can't wait to watch you on Thursday : )

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hayley's TV Reviews - So Far This Season....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

okay, so i like to think of myself as the kind of person who doesn't watch a lot of tv, but that's not true. i love tv. well i love my shows. and so here are the ones i watch and what i think of them this far in the season (about a month for some, and less for others...)

1. One Tree Hill

season 6 of OTH is proving to be a disspoinment...i don't really care about what's going on. maybe its because all of things happening to the main characters are things i can no longer relate to. or something is off with the tension. i'm not pulling for anyone. seems to choppy. each week is just it. then next week. they don't flow together anymore. the stories are all mixed up. and its horrible watching one of my all time favorites go down the tube. i'm guessing this season will be it for lucas, nathan, haley, brooke, and peyton.

2. 90210

okay, stop groaning and let me type. i apologize for this semi-embarassing pick, but seriously...i love it. its new. its exciting to watch. i can relate to it. plus i really like all of the characters - minus the ones you're not supposed to like. although there are plotlines that follow the previous 90210 that i'm not exactly sure about, the younger cast members are doing a great job. i can see a lot potential here. at least from my unqualified eyes. its fun to watch. and had hot ryan eggold. awesome.

3. Private Practice

although its only been 1 season, i really fell in love with this show over the summer. so now its back. the season priemere was last night. it was good. plus christopher from Gilmore Girls joined the cast this season. woot. its just one of those good juicy shows. that girls like. haha.

4. Supernatural

i personally think the boys have hit it off with a bang this year. tonight's episode was really revealing, although poor sam was hardly anywhere to be seen. so i'm excited. and i'm all caught up now...after missing the first couple episodes. although i'm not especially looking forward to the two boys being less chummy than normal, it'll make for a good show. plus the angle they're taking this season is really interesting...dean getting pulled out of hell by and angel because its God's plan. wow. go winchester's go!!

5. The Office

and last but not least...i'm nervous for this fifth season. i think my heart almost jumped out of my chest when jim proposed to pam in the season OPENER! the question is friends...will it last? and i say, there is no way. they can't keep the best couple ever together for the rest of the entire time the show is on tv. the main tension of the show is who cares? now i realize there the whole andy-angela-dwight triangle happening now too. so that'll be good. i'm just waiting for the shit to really hit the fan. and i will be upset when it does...but i suppose it makes good tv. overall...i'm pretty excited for this season. its always funny. and has probably the best moments out of all the shows listed above. if not the best quotes to say to you friends the next day.

So the question is...what am i going to do without all of these for months over in Italy?

I Heart These Guys

hey kids...

so Sam (W) and i are going to a concert this saturday, and i am very excited about it : )

Relient K, Ludo, This Providence, and House of Heroes. and for those of you who aren't aware of the finer points about Relient K...well here's a taste. from the last tour of theirs i attended, they paid tribute to one of my favorite shows...